The mere necessity to report damages often results in customer frustration. The complicated, stretched-out procedures and the need to wait for the expert who will asses the damage further reinforces the dissatisfaction. The VBL INSURANCE application will make the filing and resolution process proceed quickly, efficiently, without unnecessary complications.

The mere necessity to report damages often results in customer frustration. The complicated, stretched-out procedures and the need to wait for the expert who will asses the damage further reinforces the dissatisfaction. The VBL INSURANCE application will make the filing and resolution process proceed quickly, efficiently, without unnecessary complications.
How does it work?
- 1. You noticed that your car is damaged
- 2. You file a 'new' complaint
- 3. You record a short video describing and showing the damage
- 4. You enter all the formal information regarding the damage and how it occurred. Take a photo of the proof of registration, police notes, driver's license, scan the QR code
- 5. Send the completed form
- 6. You will now receive a PUSH notification about the status of your complaint
- 7. The insurance company will now prepare a quota and send it back to you
- 8. Once you will receive the quota, you can either accept or reject it
Application presentation
We’re getting to the point where photo quality is already so good that the focus is turning to the smarts that you build beyond that.
Google’s vice president product manager Mario QueirozI used to tell people I wrote software for Android, and they’d look at me like I had three heads. That wasn’t even a year ago. Now everyone knows what it is.
Michael Novak, who handles Android development at MedialetsThe promise of Android goes beyond one device. We’re going to see products running Android that no one has ever envisioned possible.
Andy Rubin, Vice president for engineering at Google and a primary architect behind AndroidNo cloud company on Earth aligns more precisely with that new model than Microsoft, and under CEO Nadella, no company has done and is doing more to continue to push the customer-centric POV and potential of enterprise cloud computing.
Forbs, Bob Evans